Office de Tourisme de France
Office de Tourisme de France

Pays du Roi Morvan Tourist Office

The Pays du Roi Morvan Tourist Office is an association under the law of 1901, whose remit covers the 21 communes of RMCom (Roi Morvan Communauté).

Founded on 1 July 2003, the Pays du Roi Morvan Tourist Office is an association under the law of 1901.

Its board of directors is made up of community councillors appointed by Roi Morvan Communauté and socio-professionals elected by the general assembly.

Its missions are governed by a three-year agreement of objectives and resources signed with Roi Morvan Communauté.


Members of the Board of Directors

In the photo opposite: J.L. Guilloux, M. Morvan, A. Breteau, Y. Lessoile, P. Biscaro, C. Rosolen, J. Delplace, J. Petit, N. Moessner-Papillon, S. Nicolas, J.P. Eludut, I. Iziquel, Y. Le Bourhis, Y. Rayer, J. Régnier (Chairman).

See the full list

Board of Directors of the Pays du Roi Morvan Tourist Office

The Tourist Office team

Micheline Le Coz
Surface technician

The Tourist Office has signed the Traveller's Charter

Brittany's tourist offices, key players in the relationship with visitors and tourism professionals, have joined forces around the Traveller's Charter. This charter, created in 2019 by the golfe du Morbihan Vannes Tourisme tourist office during the Hippocampes, is now shared by the network of Breton tourist offices.

This new charter was worked on and adapted at regional level in order to develop sustainable and responsible practices in the region, and thus develop an ethical charter for travellers.

All travellers, destination management organisations and tourism professionals are invited to share the Traveller's Charter. The charter is intended to be a unifying tool for welcoming visitors, reflecting the identity of Brittany through its values.

Traveller's Charter ©OTB

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