Find out the key figures for the tourist eco-system in the Pays du Roi Morvan.

The departmental observatory

This space, designed by the Morbihan Tourism Development Agency (ADT), brings together the main resources for a better understanding of the department's tourism activity. Here you'll find the main studies, data and key figures on tourist numbers, customer profiles and local residents' perceptions, as well as studies on awareness and trends. This space has been designed to help Morbihan's tourism professionals, elected representatives and technicians with their projects and decisions, by providing them with reliable, up-to-date resources for developing the region.

Explore the observatory

Morbihan Tourisme logo

The regional observatory

Throughout the year, Tourisme Bretagne offers studies and analyses to help you identify new trends, understand the tourism market and customer expectations, optimise your marketing strategies and boost the development of your business.

Explore regional studies

Logo Tourisme Bretagne

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