Announcing your event - Image by Tom from Pixabay

I'm announcing my animation!

Advertise your event online!

Do you have an event to announce? Use this page to share your dates and information with as many people as possible. Take advantage of our visibility to reach a wide audience and make your event a must-see!

Would you like to announce a festivity in the Pays
Pays du Roi Morvan?

Event organisers, this questionnaire enables you to send information about your event to the Tourist Office for publication on the website and in the weekly or periodical calendars. Please note that only events taking place in the Pays du Roi Morvan will be taken into account.

If you have already entered your event and would like to add or modify information or a photo, please send an email to

This will be validated as soon as possible for publication on our website in the Agenda section.

Find out more about the other sections of the Espace Pro